Building a robust and healthy relationship takes work. While every couple is unique, some universal habits and communication strategies can help bring you closer and resolve conflicts more effectively. This relationship advice is tailored for couples looking to enhance their bond.

Make Quality Time a Priority

It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and neglect spending meaningful time with your partner. However, quality time together should be a top priority.

Schedule Date Nights

Plan regular date nights – going out or staying in – to reconnect and have fun. Remove distractions like TV and phones to be fully present. Ask open-ended questions, actively listen, maintain eye contact, and show affection.

Shared Activities

Engage in activities you enjoy – exercising together, cooking meals, attending cultural events, travelling, playing games, gardening, volunteering with a cause you care about, and more. Shared interests and hobbies strengthen intimacy.

Communication Check-Ins

Check in daily about needs, feelings, stresses or areas where more support is desired. Do a weekly relationship check-in to discuss what’s working well, challenges or improvements desired, affection and intimacy, dividing responsibilities, goals, and fun things coming up.

Cultivate Emotional Intimacy

While physical intimacy is essential for couples, emotional intimacy is vital for relationship satisfaction and longevity.

Express Appreciation

Offer genuine praise, compliments, encouragement and expressions of gratitude to make your partner feel valued in the relationship. Send occasional “thinking of you” texts. Validate their emotions when they share vulnerabilities.

Be Vulnerable

Open up about your feelings, needs, hopes, fears, imperfections and dreams to foster trust and deeper bonds. Listen without judgement. Displaying vulnerability also allows your partner to let their guard down.

Empathetic Listening

When your partner speaks, please put down your phone, maintain eye contact, ask thoughtful questions about how they think and feel, paraphrase and summarize what you heard, don’t interrupt, and withhold advice or criticism as much as possible.

Conflict Resolution Skills

Disagreements and arguments are inevitable. How you fight, argue, compromise and resolve conflicts impacts relationship satisfaction and longevity.

Rules of Engagement

Agree to basic “rules of engagement” for when tensions escalate – no name calling or cut-downs, no stonewalling or walking away angry, take a 20-minute break if needed, use “I feel” statements rather than accusations, no physical aggression, agree on a signal to pause and calm down.

Compromise and Negotiate

Be willing to meet halfway when disagreements emerge. Negotiate calmly by expressing your perspective and needs, asking curious questions, fully listening to understand your partner’s stance, and collaboratively brainstorming solutions both can accept. Let small things go.

Address Issues Early On

Don’t let petty annoyances, unmet expectations and minor grievances build up unaddressed over time, leading to more severe contempt and resentment. Be appropriately assertive yet kind in directly expressing your honest concerns early on before more significant problems have a chance to escalate. Use constructive “I feel” statements when addressing issues, take personal responsibility for your role, and come from an underlying place of care and desire for favourable conflict resolution. This relationship advice for couples aims to nurture healthy communication patterns before small gaps become significant rifts.

Shared Meaning and Purpose

Research shows that couples who see their relationships as meaningful, sacred, or serving a larger purpose beyond themselves report higher satisfaction. Discover shared values, principles, religious beliefs or social causes you feel passionate about. Support each other’s personal growth and purpose. Contribute as partners to make a positive difference.

Building stronger relationships requires ongoing effort, self-work and learning. But the payoffs – enhanced intimacy, emotional safety, support, companionship, passion and love – make it supremely worthwhile. What strategies resonated most with you from this relationship advice?


Solid and fulfilling relationships don’t happen by chance – they require intention, effort and caring for your partner in the right ways. While each couple’s journey is unique, there are research-backed habits that make a positive difference – from making quality time together a priority to expressing appreciation daily, engaging in thoughtful conflict resolution, and nurturing deeper emotional and spiritual intimacy. This relationship advice for couples provides tailored tips to enhance joy, closeness and resilience in your bond. Commit to implementing even just a few of these tailored tips. Notice the improved pleasure, intimacy and resilience it brings to your bond. Your relationships will reap beautiful dividends that continue to compound when consistently nurtured. Together, you have the power to build partnerships that thrive through all of life’s ups and downs.

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