With the start of the year 2024, there are a few things that must be renewed or reconsidered. Such as making a New Year resolution, integrating Artificial Intelligence for the first time into business operations, or choosing between cross-platform app development frameworks. 

Everything you plan on doing requires a roadmap to succeed. In a similar context, with the advent of new technologies and upgrades, businesses need to shift and make smart choices for the betterment of their products and services. 

Mobile apps play a huge role in determining the high-quality products you serve to your customers. They can easily access your services via mobile devices and leverage them as much as they require. 

Now imagine if your application gives low quality or bad performance. Your users might not continue to stay. But what can be the reason behind this lack? While there can be many key reasons, we are going to emphasize various cross-platform mobile app development frameworks in 2024. 

Why is Cross-Platform App Development Important in 2024?

Adapting to new trends and faster development strategies gets you closer to generating better ROI and ranking on search engines significantly. 

Cross-platform helps you develop an application faster and more affordable. 

Cross-platform app development is the process of developing software programs that run on several devices, operating systems, and platforms.

The demand for products and services linked to software is rising. The process of developing an app could be challenging. A constantly changing and evolving technical environment, screen sizes, SDKs, operating systems, and development tools are just a few of the challenges that developers face. 

Furthermore, there exist other substitute methods for obtaining mobile application development services. Development teams must assess each option and choose the best one for them before continuing. Using cross-platform development tools simplifies the process overall for several reasons. There will be a lot of detail in this post. 

Development of Cross-Platform Apps: Then and Now

Developers need to produce apps for as many platforms as they can in order to satisfy the enormous demand in the market. Consumers desire that most apps work on all of the platforms they use.

A few years back, developing apps separately for several operating systems, such as iOS and Android, or for a specific desktop or embedded platform, was necessary. Since it requires diverse programming skill sets, larger teams (resulting in greater labor costs), and more material and financial resources to build multiple native apps, this can be costly and time-consuming. 

For a certain project, it might not be worth building up internal resources. When a specialized platform is required for a single project, outsourcing is frequently the only viable choice. 

You would need to hire multiple teams to work on native app development in order to construct the app for many platforms. Due to the difficulty of finding sufficient skill and resources on the internal market, even the building of native apps is commonly outsourced. 

The total cost of the investment will increase as a result of these extra expenses. The cross-platform development paradigm has been used by numerous companies and developers in order to reduce expenses and accelerate the development process.

Benefits of Cross-Platform Mobile App Development

Single Code Base

When publishing your app on other platforms, you can utilize the same source code. This includes iOS, Android, Mac, Linux, Windows, and, in the case of Felgo, embedded platforms. As a result, you will find it easier to dedicate less time to the complete life of your applications, including design, development, compilation, testing, editing, and maintenance. 

If you have a shared codebase, adding another platform later on won’t require any work. 

Expanded market penetration

With more supported platforms and their greater user potential, your market reach grows. By supporting several platforms right out of the box, this benefit is added for free and requires no further work.

Save time and money.

You may already be conscious of how important time is. IIt can never progress fast enough. With app development services, apps may be developed with a single framework, a single set of abilities, and a smaller workforce. It takes time and financial savings to make an app viable. Developing cross-platform software helps you achieve a good balance between cost and functionality.

Uniform Design Sharing UI/UX design services for your clients across multiple platforms is made easier with cross-platform programming that complies with platform-specific standards. Providing a uniform experience for consumers would make it much easier for them to utilize the same software across different platforms.

Making prototypes

Prototyping is an essential step in the development of applications and software in general. Cross-platform application development enables speedy development, saving you time as you build and test your program. 

To put it briefly, seeking client feedback early on can help you lock down your position in the market, address any issues before going live, and, if necessary, adjust your product in response to feedback from users. 

Considered Programming Languages 

1. JavaScript

The most popular dynamic, interactive, object-oriented scripting language. These days, it may be used on almost any platform, for almost any kind of application, and on both the client and server sides. You can use Felgo to replace your primary scripting language, JavaScript, with the declarative QML language.


The most popular language for creating online applications and user interfaces is HTML. This also held true for hybrid development frameworks and PWA-based mobile apps.

3. Python: 

This language is widely used to write all types of screenplays. AI programmers and embedded software specialists find it useful. It has also become more and more popular recently in a lot of other locations.

4. Java

a popular, easily maintainable, object-oriented, and compilable language. Prior to moving to Kotlin, this was the primary language used for native Android development.

5. C++

C++ or C Sharp is an object-oriented, general-purpose language that is very similar to Java. Whether C# is getting more or less popular is a topic of ongoing debate.

What are the best Cross-platform app development frameworks in 2023?

React Native: 

In terms of use statistics, React Native is an open-source framework that trails only Flutter. Apps for popular operating systems and web browsers can be made with it. 

The framework is based on Javascript UI toolkit, which has a large global user community and React Native app development services in Australia. Because it renders React primitives to the same user interface as native development, it is a great choice for performance.


According to recent research, Google’s cross-platform framework Flutter is the greatest one out there. With the goal of merging the development of the two most widely used mobile platforms, iOS and Android, it was first released in 2018. 

With the introduction of Flutter 2 in March 2021, developers may now produce cross-platform PWAs, or as they put it, “apps for any screen.” It is powered by Dart, an object-oriented language that, depending on the platform, can be converted into native machine code or Javascript.


Microsoft’s foray into the cross-platform market is known by this name. It is based on.NET and C# and is intended for the development of desktop and mobile applications for Windows, iOS, and Android operating systems. It is not suitable for creating browser-based apps, though, and does not make use of web capabilities like a number of cross-platform frameworks do.


Web technology plays a major role in the open-source SDK Ionic. It is therefore ideal for cross-platform programming with an emphasis on the web. Since Ionic was built using web components and was first built on top of AngularJS and Apache Cordova, it is a great fit for PWA-driven development. It uses Cordova plugins to access certain mobile hardware features.

RAD Studio: 

Similar to Xamarin, RAD Studio is designed for cross-platform development for a variety of desktop and mobile operating systems. It is therefore unsuitable for web development. It does provide support for Linux machines, which are often underutilized, in contrast to the majority of its competitors. Programming in Delphi and C++ is supported.

Best Practices for Cross-platform Development

It is important to note that cross-platform app development services have attracted a large number of developers that want to expand their expertise and provide clients end-to-end solutions. 

Manage the incorporation. 

If your organization is developing cross-platform software for the first time, provide enough time for integration. Be advised that not every native component will function flawlessly right out of the box, necessitating specific design or functionality tweaks.

Respect UI/UX standards. 

Cross-platform development will make user interface development simpler. But because every operating system has a unique look and feel, it’s important to make sure that interface designs follow guidelines for every platform you support. For better administration, contacting an app development company is the ideal option for doing this. 

Set up the release schedule. 

You probably know that OS updates aren’t usually released simultaneously if you manage many systems. You may need to employ a less frequent release cycle in order to guarantee consistency.

Make use of library components. 

When it comes to cross-platform programming, there are several common problems that already have well-established fixes. Numerous complex features can be handled with pre-built components like stateless widgets.


You still need to do user-level testing for each supported platform even if your code is unified. Because every platform is different, you cannot assume that success on one will translate to success on another.

You need a reliable REST-API backend. 

This will simplify the process of creating for mobile platforms and, in the end, settle the native vs. PWA controversy! Especially for apps that are business-oriented, this

Robust APIs, sound data semantics, and clearly specified processes are essential.

Wrapping Up

Due to the fact that they eliminate the need to design separate apps for each platform, cross-platform apps are very popular. A cross-platform application can function flawlessly on several platforms and devices. Developing this cross-platform application requires a cross-platform framework.

Which of the aforementioned cross-platform mobile app development frameworks is the best option, one would wonder? The simple response is that it depends on the needs of the business and the functional requirements of the app. Making an informed choice, nevertheless, can be aided by speaking with a knowledgeable and experienced Cross-platform mobile app development business.

Thus, make sure you have all the knowledge you need regarding app development frameworks before you start developing a mobile app development solution for your clients.

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